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So I’ve semi-successfully completed my detox.

Three days of no solid food, except one time when I had a bag of chips.But other than that, it was a successful cleanse. I lost 3lbs and I feel a lot less bloated.

What did the juices taste like? Well every juice cleanse has a “deadly” juice. By this I mean it’s the one that’s most difficult to drink. Usually it’s the juice that’s green in color because it has the most vegetables and tastes very “earthy” and “leafy” however for me in this set, I found the purple one the most difficult. Only because I don’t like beets.

#1 & #6 tasted like lemonade. For those familiar to cleansing, this blend is the “master cleanse” blend of lemon juice, a bit of honey and cayenne pepper.


The in-betweens are the true blends of various vegetable and fruit juices. One (yellow) was pineapple, celery and ginger. The orange one had carrot and pineapple in it. The green was definitely leafy vegetables. The purple one (which to me was the most difficult to drink) had beets in it. My friend (who took a sip) said that it tasted like the soil. I don’t know how he would know what soil tastes like but I kinda knew what he meant.


All in all though, it really isn’t all that bad, if you’re used to juicing. As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve drank the Juju Cleanse drinks and the Pure Jus ones don’t taste very different.


Did I get headaches? Yes. It’s because did not drink as much water as I should have. This was rectified though when I drank water.

Did I go to the bathroom a lot? Yes.. to pee.

Did I feel weak? No.

Did I cheat the cleanse? Yes. I ate a bag of chips. I also did not drink the detox teas included in the package. I only had three tea bags when I was supposed to drink them all nightly.

Did I feel hungry? No. But I did crave that solid food sensation – chewing, taste, swallowing. Hence, the bag of chips. But hunger was not something I felt, in fact, towards the end of the day I couldn’t finish 6 bottles.

Would I do it again? Yes.

Other things to know

1) If you order from Pure Jus, these milk blends are really good. They make the best reward for after-juicing.

2) Go easy on your stomach after a cleanse. You don’t want to shock your system with too much food!

3) If you want to order from Pure Jus – Contact Kristal at 0917 5853033. She’s also on instagram – juicingwithkristal

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