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Facebook is the most common and the best stalking tool. I use it to find out all sorts of information about people. It’s a known fact that employers also look at Facebook now to determine who their applicants, employees, etc really are.

(Disclaimer! Again, I don’t advocate stalking in a criminal sense. We all do our stalking because we are curious. Please do not act evilly on your curiosity. If you do I will not be held responsible.)

Let’s be real. The primary reason for stalking – relationships.

  • Who your ex is dating?
  • What do they look like?
  • Are they hotter than you?
  • What they’re up to?
  • Who is your significant other’s ex? Do they still talk? Are they facebook friends?
  • Is your significant other is cheating on you?
  • Does the guy who asked me out on a date have a girlfriend/fiancee/wife/kid? (happens to me)
  • Is the girl texting you a psycho?
  • What does the person do for a living?
  • Does your son/daughter have a girlfriend/boyfriend? What do they look like?
  • Are people who they really say they are?!

The trick to using Facebook as your stalking tool, you have to be very very observant. Also you have to be thorough and quite patient. Know your target. Know the information you need so you can weed out all the irrelevant stuff. Most importantly, be prepared for whatever you might find.

I shall bring back the example of Crush O’Mine and Longlost Friend

Basics of Facebook Stalking:

Step 1 – Finding your target

This is the easiest step. Search their name. While chances of you finding them this way are slim (dozens of people could have a similar name), it’s still worth a shot. Second option, search using their email. If you are looking for a female friend, remember that they could have gotten married and their last name will be different.

If neither of these work, think of mutual friends and find that mutual friend instead. If you are lucky, you may already be connected. Go through mutual friend’s friends to find Longlost Friend or Crush O’Mine.

**If you still can’t find them, they might not be searchable on Facebook. If you suspect this, do a search on Google instead. Check back once in a while to see if they become searchable. That’s what a true stalker would do. Haha.

**If you suspect you are BLOCKED from their profile, conduct a search while logged in as someone else. Ask a sibling, bestfriend, etc for help with this one.

Step 2 – Target Acquired

If it is secure and you can’t see anything in their profile, sometimes this is fine depending on what your purpose is. If you can only see their profile photo, at least now you know what they look like, if that’s what you’re trying to find. Sometimes people will have group photos and you can’t tell which one is the person in question, check back in later. They’re bound to change their profile picture. If you have nothing to fear, add this person as a friend.

If you are lucky and they are lax on their Facebook Profile Security, start checking whatever is public. This almost always brings answers. Learn to weed out the meat from the clutter. There will be stuff you don’t need to know. Learn to spot the good stuff.

  • For the Love Interests – People they are in the photos with. Children they are in pictures with. Where these photos are taken. Photos they are tagged in. People who most commonly comment on their profile. The nature of these comments are sometimes helpful :
  1. Happy Father’s/Mother’s Day greetings = they are parents.
  2. Happy Anniversary/Congratulations = they are not single even if they say they are.
  3. Romantic Messages
  4. The status messages they post – is the person you’re stalking weird? Haha.

*Learn to use information in tandem. People they’re in photos with + people leaving messages on their wall = possibly important information. Also, don’t jump to conclusions. Just because they are in photos together, doesn’t mean anything. So, again, observe. Observe over a period of time if you must. But I don’t recommend torturing yourself this way.

  • For the Old Friends – Add them on facebook and keep in touch via FB Chat and stuff. No need to stalk when you can ask them directly.

If hope this helps. 😀 Have fun! And BE GOOD.

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2 Responses to Internet Stalking How-To: Facebook

  1. Steve K. says:

    You are scary.