Before anything, this is a different creepy guy from the one who keeps calling and texting me. That one stopped already. Hopefully cuz he read my blog. Anyway..
A couple of months back, I met this guy as I was hanging out with my cousin. There were a lot of people in the group that […]
Dear Guys,
Please do not bombard a girl you barely know’s phone with messages and missed calls. If you like her, it’s fine to show your interest but no overkill! It’ll backfire and she’ll ignore you even more. Also, you come off as clingy and pathetic, which is terrible. If she does not respond, resist […]
It’s the Friday night before I fly to the US and instead of frantically packing, I spend it Speed Dating at an event in Makati. I’ve always been curious so when my friend Keit called to invite me, I was game. A few new friends can’t hurt, I figure.
The Mechanics of Speed Dating
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Dear Jejemonsters: NO.
e0wz p0whsz, mztah n p0whz u,,,?
While it looks like a bunch of letters that make no sense, believe it or not, this is actually a method of communication some people use. I don’t know who they’re communicating to, probably other lesser life forms. Okay that was mean, but whatever.
I HATE IT. I hate […]