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When I started 3 years ago (2011) in Ateneo, I made that fateful entry about being a student again that would become one of my most popular posts. Literally dozens of people would email me with questions and inquiries about the school. I even came up with a follow-up post to address the most common questions. Thank you all for checking out my blog, I hope I was able to address many of your inquiries. In hindsight, I should have billed Ateneo GSB a fee for making me their spokesperson. Hehe.

Truthfully, I chose Ateneo because I wanted to make friends. Academics were not a priority for me. I already have a solid undergraduate education which certainly made AGSB easier. So I was there, in all honesty, just to make friends. Heck, I even said it at the self-introduction at the beginning of every class. “Hello, my name is Julienne, I joined AGSB because I want to make friends.” I was not ashamed. This was my sole goal. Just to meet people, learn from them, make networks and in the process, have fun. I feel that classroom learning should be enriched by your peers. At the MBA level, it should no longer be about what it says in textbooks. It should be about real life and people in it.

People aside, school provided a deviation from the whole “home-office-home-office-home-office” routine. It filled my time with activities, bonding, social events, things to think about that weren’t just the stresses at work. School stress is very different, it is finite. There is an end. In the end, there is a grade. There is closure. Work does not offer you that kind of structure nor feedback. So despite the school stress, it was a nice change from work.

The one thing I must share, however, is that I wanted to stop so many times. I was disappointed in some of my classes. Some were great, others, not so much. They felt more like college classes in the way that professors treated the students, the material and way it was taught (or not taught at all). Though of course, everyone’s experience is different, many of my friends felt the same way. The word “Petix” or “petiks” (however that is spelled) comes to mind. Sometimes you will feel that your classes are pointless and at worst, a joke. I don’t know whether it’s worth paying money for that. If you ever find yourself in Ateneo, choose your classes wisely otherwise you will feel the same frustration I felt.

Though, after a year and a half of school, I found that it was too late to turn. Sayang naman, I already paid my way through half the program. So I just kept chugging on, reminding myself of the main reason I went to school – friends. Fast forward to three years later and I’m graduating on Sunday! I even managed to make it to the silver medal honor roll, with a 3.714 GPA! I can’t believe it. I’m so excited. Despite its flaws, I’m glad I finished the program.

Thank you Ateneo Graduate School of Business! While I don’t think I will ever understand your crazy die-hard culture, I enjoyed being witness to it. Thank you for a memorable three years. I will surely miss it.

Onto the next adventure!


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14 Responses to Ateneo MBA Graduate 2014

  1. cecile says:

    Congratulations Ms. Julienne! 🙂

  2. Philip says:

    Found your blog through your mum’s blog and I’m hooked! Congrats in earning your MBA!

    Am also a grad student, and hopefully, I’ll be earning my MS in Management (not MBA) in two years or so 🙂

  3. JJ says:

    Hi Julienne,

    I will be starting my MBA come May 2015 with the same reason as yours which is to network with people. I am just curious with what should I expect before I begin. Is there plenty of opportunities to meet with new people apart from your would-be classmates like extra curricular activities, social gatherings, etc? Or are people mostly too busy that they leave campus after class due to work? Thank You!

  4. Mae says:

    Hi Julienne!
    Do you have list of prof/s to avoid? HAHA! I’m currently enrolled in the program 🙂

  5. I’m so happy to have read this. I really can relate to your sentiments as early as now (and I’m on my 2nd sem).

    Would you mind giving me Prof and class recommendations? 🙂

  6. Macky Antonio says:

    Good read! i was about to take the entrance exam this month 🙂

    thanks for sharing 🙂

  7. Macky Antonio says:

    Good read! i will take the entrance exam this month 🙂

    thanks for sharing 🙂

  8. Aguarin says:

    Hi Julienne!

    I’m one of your international followers 🙂

    I am interested in applying to the Ateno MBA program as well but wanted to ask you a question or two: 1) Are there any other foreigners in the classes? I do not speak Tagalog and have been to the Philippines only a couple of times (which is why I want to return, I love the country!) and 2) What were some of the career prospects of some of your fellow students? I’d love to stay in Manila and work for a large corporation after the program if allowed but am interested in knowing where some students ended up after their MBA.

    Thank you in advance!

    • Julienne says:

      Hey Aguarin,

      There are some foreigners in the classes – French, Chinese and Korean that I’ve seen. I’m not too sure what they did afterwards to be honest because we did not keep in touch. However, from what I recall, some already had jobs here so this could have been an enrichment experience for them. Sorry I can’t be of much help in this regard.

      The MBA program will definitely give you some insight as to life and business in the Philippines. Whether it will enhance your career prospects here is unknown but I think it is a great talking point and networking opportunity. I don’t know what your background is but why don’t you just try applying to companies directly? Maybe that’s a better chance than taking the long road of going to school. There are so many multi-national firms here now that would welcome new talent!

  9. Niko says:

    Hi Ma’am Julienne, is it really required to have two years of work experience?

    • Julienne says:

      Hey Niko,

      That’s what they say. Lots of students didn’t have experience though so I guess they are not very strict. BUT I recommend it so you can get more out of your classes in terms of understanding and it won’t be all theoretical.
