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My mom is both my mother and my best friend. Which is why, the fact that she’s going away for a bit is giving me a major case of separation anxiety. She’s gone off to the States for a few days to make new friends in Washington DC. When she gets back, I’ll be off to NYC for a wedding. When I get back, she will fly off with my father to California for some badly-needed R&R. Needless to say, I won’t be seeing her for a while.


Have fun mama bear! I will miss you!


2 Responses to Separation Anxiety

  1. mom says:

    Hi Anak,

    I miss you so much. You’re one of the reasons why on my first day away from home, I was already feeling homesick.
    Love you.


  2. mom says:

    Hi Babe,
    Have a safe and enjoyable trip to NY. God speed.
    Have fun.
    See you soon.