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It breaks my heart to know that a man who has brought the world (myself included) so much joy and laughter, struggled through his life and final days with depression and substance abuse.

I know much will be said about Robin Williams over the next few days. I would like to pay my own respects, albeit on social media, but a remembrance nonetheless. I grew up with his characters and as an adult, appreciated his more “mature” stand up performances. His impact on my life might have been just through the movies but it is significant, special and I will miss him terribly.

The silver lining is that we are blessed with the legacy of his work. Undoubtedly (no pun intended) his movies will be all over the media, replayed on TV and googled on the internet. I know most of his work but what comes to mind now is his role as Chris Neilsen in What Dreams May Come. If you haven’t seen this movie, you should. (bring tissues!) In it, his character dies and searches the afterlife for his wife. Appropriately, he says – “A whole human life is just a heartbeat here in Heaven. Then we’ll all be together forever.”

Thank you, Robin Williams. Rest in Peace.


One Response to Robin Williams

  1. you nailed it girl. five thumbsup.