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So I’ve joined the “Hold on I gotta Check In” club. I used to think it was strange to have to check into places but now I’m like WOW. Having a data plan makes this possible especially in America. In Manila though where a data plan is expensive, it gets a little tricky. I think I’m gonna have to rely on checking into places with free Wi-Fi. Sigh. That limits my check-ins to Starbucks, The Coffee Bean and the SM malls since they’re the only ones that have Wi-Fi. People are gonna think I’m a loser that only hangs out at coffee places.

It’s these stupid badges, man. I’m a list person. I love lists. I love achieving things on lists. I love checking off lists. So when you give me something like a list of badges to accomplish, I go crazy. That’s like an interactive list for me. So far I’m up to 13. Can’t wait to travel back to NY, I’m gonna knock out more of these badges for sure. There’s a Kansas Badge I’m gonna get. How? I gotta travel to Kansas. I’m gonna figure it out. Argh.

Crap. I’m addicted. It’s bad.

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