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Before anything, this is a different creepy guy from the one who keeps calling and texting me. That one stopped already. Hopefully cuz he read my blog. Anyway..

A couple of months back, I met this guy as I was hanging out with my cousin. There were a lot of people in the group that day and he was one of them. I could barely remember this dude, we didn’t even talk apart from hello. However, amongst the group, numbers were exchanged thereby giving him access to my number. This is probably my mistake.

So this dude, let’s call him CD2, starts to routinely text me Goodnight Julienne and other variations such as “Goodnight Jules” or “Have a good night” or “you have a pleasant weekend” and other pleasantries.  This goes on for a few weeks. I receive around 2 texts/week. I usually ignore although once or twice I replied, trying to be nice. He adds me on Facebook. He never makes any attempt to strike up conversation on FB Chat but likes to leave “Likes” and the occasional weird comment on my  photos. A few times he asked me to go out to the clubs with him and his friends. I always decline. Even if he struck me as super weird and creepy, I figured he is harmless so I pay it all no mind.

The goodnight texts go on for months. Even when I was in the US, I received texts 3x a week to wish me goodnight. It starts to irritate me because CD2 knows that I am out of the country. He got this information from my cousin. It irritates me even more because I pay to receive text messages during roaming. When I returned to Manila, still, the texts continued. It starts to really bug me.

I started to wonder what this guy’s deal is. He never makes an effort to get to know me (nor would I want him to) but just continues to text me goodnight. This makes no sense. So out of curiosity, one time, I replied. But it ends up with him inviting me to go out and party with him and his friends. I declined because he seriously creeps me out.

Fast forward to today. I discover that not only is he creepy, he’s also kind of a douchebag. (I guess it makes sense why he doesn’t have a lot of friends) It started when I sent out a mass text to people because I’m selling something. He is included in this mailing list. This is the conversation that ensues:

Me: Hello! I’m selling X.. if you or anyone you know is interested, kindly forward them to me. thanks so much!”

CD2: are you serious?

Me: Yep. It was given to me and I’m trying to sell it.

CD2: Always an angel. 🙂 [huh this is a comment that makes no sense. Trying to sound cool I guess? Para lang may masabi? I dunno.]

Me: Not really. Trying to convert it to cash, so if you know someone please refer them to me.

CD2: Like I said, there’s a devil inside you. 😛 [huh? dude are you high? what does this have to do with anything?]

Me: Ok. [cuz i didn’t know what else to say or how to reply]

CD2: “Texting people only when you need something isn’t nice.”

After reading this, my blood started to boil. So rude!!!! What an arrogant jerk. Haha. I guess he feels important because he feels like I “need” him for something. Wow. The world doesn’t revolve around you dude. Medyo feeling ka.

Me: Okay then don’t worry I won’t text you anymore. You don’t have to be an asshole.

CD2: Just being transparent. 🙂

Me: Ang feeling important mo naman. You don’t have to help. It’s fine. I just sent that to people I know. You should have just ignored it since you obviously have nothing good to say. But since we’re going to be transparent and talking about “needing something” well then, I need you to please stop texting me and asking me to hang out because it’s kind of creepy. Thanks. 🙂

CD2: My Pleasure.

What a loser. Good riddance!!!


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