I was hanging out in the Glorietta Activity Center once. They have a stage set up and I noticed these two girls catwalking on the empty stage and posing like models. So I started to chat them up and ask questions. Turns out they are sisters (ages 5 and 6) and both dream of being […]
Update – Sept 13, 2011
Now, things are getting interesting. Guy is telling me someone(his staff) impersonated him and chat with me. I don’t know what to believe anymore. It could be him, it could be the impersonator. Regardless of who it was, I kept telling him that he should take responsibility for the actions of […]
I’m always in Galleria. Always. I know that mall like the back of my hand so I couldn’t help but notice this new Milk Tea place called SIP. The milk tea trend is in full swing with lots of different places sprouting up and I’m always quick to try them because I love Milk Tea! […]
I was at the Louis Vuitton Store the other day in Greenbelt. I have to say that LV does have some pretty nice bags. This one in particular caught my eye:
Gorgeous bluish gray color. The price at Greenbelt, around Php90,000, if I’m not mistaken.
Must start saving!
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On Academic Failure
So in high school, I was never the nerd. I was always that person who skated in the middle. A few times, I was in serious danger of failing.. Always had trouble with math and science. Those subjects hated me, they still do. No matter how hard I worked, how long I stayed after class […]