On my family’s last trip to HK, I was looking to do something different. We always go to the same places and do the same activities (shop and eat). I wanted to see what else HK had to offer. A search on Google led me to this place, The Chi Lin Nunnery.
To get […]
My family loves to travel. One of our favorite haunts is Hong Kong. Without meaning to, we’ve visited almost every year (sometimes even twice). It’s a great city.
In December, it’s cold and chaotic. There’s INSANE amounts of people, all the stores are on sale and there’s lots of Filipinos. In Zara, it felt like […]
My parents were married on December 18, 1983. This makes them 28 years old. In a day and age where divorce and separation are becoming normal, 28 years of marriage is an achievement. This year, instead of throwing a party, we decided to just have dinner since we love food and no milestone is complete […]
One of my really good friends, Verne is the blogger behind Environment Philippines, a blog that spotlights and advocates social and environmental change. In May 2011, EP was nominated into the advocacy category and after a series of screenings, it made it as one of the finalists for the Philippine Blog Awards.
Verne […]
Recent Posts
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